Ethics and Social Responsibility - Metrolight Skip to content

Ethics and Social Responsibility

The companies have become a factor of change and social influence. What companies do or do not do significantly affect their environment and its direct scope, its own employees and workers.

The company is a fundamental institution of economic and social life in which integrate those who bring their entrepreneurial spirit (entrepreneurs), who bring their managerial ability, which provide technology and contributing cooperative work.

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The company has economic and social, external and internal objectives:

  • The external economic objective is to produce goods and services that meet societal needs.
  • Domestic economic objective is to generate maximum added value and distribute it equally among its members.
  • The external social objective is to contribute to the development of the society it serves.
  • The internal social objective is to contribute to the full development of its members, thus promoting their welfare and human development.

The internal and external, economic and social objectives are inseparably linked, so that the company should seek to integrate harmoniously into their work. So ensure their existence, increase productivity and allow the human development of its members.

The “social responsibility” is to achieve both purposes and combine them independently. According to how you interpret this relationship will manifest a different position on the social responsibility of business.

Ethics also determines how a company manages its financial activities, relationships with suppliers and distribution channels.

If the only function of the company was to satisfy demand and make money by promoting them and increase them, all businesses, even illegal, would be valid simply because they are profitable.

Business ethics is a requirement of the person, whatever their job. If genuine concern for employees by providing “dignity and respect”, the worker is happy and motivated to produce quality is maintained. In many companies immersed in competitiveness and lack of time for all, workers are the “human resource”. This can at least be interpreted as subjects are not people but resources (with all the ethical implications that means).

The quest for profitability is it not to oppose ethics, as there qualities thanks to those working more and better; and because there are several other dimensions of life that pose limits to profitability.

Ethical considerations involve the element of rationality in business analysis. Ethics makes an inexorable dimension of human and business activity in which you have to desatacar the following considerations:

  1. In the ethical language, difficulty knowing when a human action is good or bad, is similar to wonder if a business will be good or bad: we have no security, but we have a sufficient idea of whether a decision is reasonable. Not enough to have the best tools to move from analysis to implementation need to be convinced, we must anticipate the consequences and responsibilities. You have to take the risk. The passage from being to the must be carries risks. This is what basically has in common ethics and business.
  2. The effort and success, concepts that are normally handled in the business world are intangible and diverse connotations according to the concept that everyone has, therefore can not be judged as true or desirable from the perspective of the quantifiable.
  3. As we consider the labor situation from the point of view of a dignified human need, we will look to work under a deep sense of solidarity. Labor and employment is not the same.
  4. Business ethics is not an added value ethics is an intrinsic value of all economic and business activity, as any business includes humans. Ethics is a requirement that becomes more significant the higher the social complexity. If ethics is inserted into any business, can not be considered as a value added but as a Component Value.

The companies should be formed by responsible purposes aimed at achieving ethical values to the community and employees. The business of an organization affects many different constituencies.

It requires a responsible attitude towards the community, since their behavior will impact directly or indirectly. Being responsible means run the business by measuring the impact of their actions on these groups, respecting their rights and legitimate interests. Required avoid deception and misinformation.

Honesty requires firmly and sincerity with the information demanded by the community. Signals that delivers an enterprise affecting many people who rely on the information, make decisions which in turn affect others. The community trust these signals to the extent that they are honest.

Moreover, confidence requires the recognition of implicit commitments in the promises. Fair competition and the achievement of real quality are part of the trust. Its breaking directly harms people.

It should pay special attention to trying to act just as much in granting opportunities within the company, as compared to those groups that are directly or indirectly related to the work of the organization.

It should also avoid undergoing undue influence, favoritism based on personal interests or present conduct affecting the integrity of executives.

Managers should try to ensure that their employees do not fall into this kind of influences. Acting with integrity is a loyal behavior towards the duties and tasks to be undertaken within the framework of confidence to the employee. In its fullest sense, one should act according to the requirements of moral convictions, but presupposes a cost.

Respect means recognizing that individuals maintain relationships outside the company, have autonomy, privacy, dignity, rights and needs.

On the surface, it is relatively easy to judge whether a business practice is right and wrong in terms of ethics. The complex, especially when conventional standards are not applied, is to understand the concepts and techniques of making ethical judgments to establish the most appropriate moral decisions.

Therefore, the behavior of professional business management based on values, benefits all of society, the company and the economy in which the company is inserted. The principles form the basis of trust and cooperation; also contribute to employee morale. Especially important is the sense of pride by employees in their productivity and general attitude when displayed belong to an organization that defines the ethical values as a lifestyle.

Diploma Compromiso PYME Metrolight